For Wednesday, 07/29/09
In the Longman Textbook:
1.) Read "Writing Skill 8: Review" pp. 270
2.) Complete Writing Exercise 8 #1 and #2 pp. 270-271
On the Longman CD-ROM:
3.) Go to Skills>Writing>Integrated Tasks> Complete Task 3 (Skills 1-8)
Writing Assignment: Edit and Feedback movie review comparisons
a.) Edit your partner's draft based on the criteria I outlined in class, looking for overall cohesion of ideas, sentence clarity and correctness, and spelling and punctuation mistakes.
It is always easier to edit the work of someone else than it is your own. It is good practice for reviewing sentence structure and grammar.
b.) Make clear markings on the text itself, but also make suggestions for re-writing sentences at the bottom of the page.
c.) Finally, on the back of your partner's draft, write a note to him/her explaining what was well-written and effective, and also what parts of the response need more work. Make suggestions as to how to make the response more coherent and how to better address the purpose of the assignment.
This is due towards the beginning of class.
Internet Activity: Complete Internet Activity #24 posted below.
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