Read instructions 1-4 before you begin this Activity:
1.) Go here to the Public Radio International site and listen to the audio story.
2.) Just as you would in the Listening Section of the TOEFL, take notes on the main points, significant details, cause and effect relationships, important words or technical terms.
3.) Listen to the audio as many times as you need, but remember that you only have one chance on the test.
4.) Next read the transcript of the interview provided. Do not read the transcript as you listen. Note the important things that you didn't catch while listening to the interview. Jot down new words in your notes.
Think About:
a.) How well did you understand the speakers during the audio piece?
b.) How well do you understand the interview after reading the text?
Using only your notes and your memory, try to answer the following questions:
1.) What is the main reason the local government, in this Chinese county, has ordered its citizens to smoke?
2.) Does it matter which brand of cigarettes the citizens smoke?
3.) Give an example of the cigarette quota. For instance, where are quotas being implemented or what are some of the quota figures.
Using the text, answer the following questions:
4.)When the reporter says "Well, they’re encouraging schools as a whole to go through cigarettes" Does she mean that children are encouraged to smoke?
5.) What does the reporter mean when she says "they try to trade up"?
6.) What does "itself"refer to when the interviewer says "So it seems like there is some kind of inherent tension between the local and central government. How is that expressing itself there?"
7.) Finally, why do you think the the interviewer mentions a statistic about men and women smokers in America at the very end of the audio piece?
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