Lab 32

For Wednesday, 07/22/09

In the Longman Textbook:
1.) Read "Writing Skill 2: Note the Main Points as you Read" pp. 253-255
2.) We will listen to Writing Exercise 2 in class
3.) Read "Writing Skill 3: Plan Before You Write" pp. 257-259

Internet Activity:
4.) Watch the Internet Activity #22 posted below
5.) Read the key terms for debate posted below

In your debate groups:

Get together and make a list of all possible arguments for or against the following proposition.

Resolved: Digital technology is the inevitable future of all forms of communication; and, thus printed material (books, magazines, newspapers, mail, etc.) should eventually be eliminated.

Each person in the group is responsible for researching the points they are to speak about. Use facts and reasoning to make plausible and credible arguments.

Debate Format:

Affirmative Group (Agrees with the proposition) 5 minutes:
Person 1: Statement of position: One person will make a general opening remark summarizing the groups main points that will be discussed.
Person 2: Discusses 1-2 main points
Person 3: Discusses the remaining points.

Negative Group (Disagrees with the proposition) 5 minutes:
same format as above, three individual speakers

Cross-Examination: 5 minutes to prepare questions for the opposing team
Each team will have 1-3 cross-examination questions, plus my own (Judge Hannah)

Affirmative Cross-Examination (10 minutes)
Negative Cross-Examination (10 minutes)

Closing Remarks: 5 minutes to prepare final arguments

Closing Remarks both sides: 3 minutes each

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